Take a PAUSE to resolve your conflicts with Ruth-Ann Lake – A shared PMI & PWN event

Tuesday 13th, PMI (Project Management Institute) and PWN (Professional Women Network) organized a conference about conflict management presented by Ruth-Ann Lake.

It was also our annual Christmas party!

Our pink team won a little puzzle challenge…


Some of our tips to resolve it that we can share:

  • As a basic puzzle: identify edges. Something really struck my mind: there’s  really a lot of edges. From a closer look we understood the original piece of paper was a A3 document folder folded in two. So we tried to identify the folded cut edges 🙂
  • Identify « twin » curves and specially little « missed cut » details
  • Expressing our will to win the challenge
  • Finally the « Think out of the box » message delivered by the organizer helped us: there must be a kind of hole in the page because there are two many edges and not enough pieces of paper.
  • We were right: a triangle shape was cut out of the folded paper.

We all won a box of chocolate. That was a great party!